Friday, July 18, 2008

CoHo 80s Night

This past Wednesday at the CoHo, we had 80s night. Because, you know, who doesn't love the 80s? But as the saying goes, a picture is worth 1000 words.... so instead of making you read, scroll down to check out some 80s night photos.
Check out the wicked CoHo sticker sunglasses.Special appearance from KZSU DJ Jack Kamm

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lily Kornbluth, Harp

Last night Lily Kornbluth, class of 2010, performed an hour of harp repertoire in the CoHo. The resonant tones of the harpstrings filled the space with a warm and cozy atmosphere. Students, summer camp participants and coordinators enjoyed listening to the music, talking softly and playing cards. We look forward to more innovative programming in the near future.

CoHo Stickers

Next time you're in the CoHo, pick up a nifty sticker and say hi to Stephanie while you're there.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Coho is Back - Articles from Stanford Weekly

Thank you Stanford Weekly for writing wonderful articles about the reopening of the CoHo! Click on the links below to read more.

CoHo returns with "soft opening" - Christian Torres

New CoHo better than average cup o' joe - Kat Lewin